Breathwork Teacher Training

Level One

Our level one Blissful Breath Teachers will be skilled, compassionate and knowledgable. They will be able to help people feel calm and peaceful again. They will help people improve their health and wellbeing. They will help people find meaning in the mundane. Our Blissful Breath Teachers will create a safe and welcoming place for people to explore the true potential of their breath.


Download a detailed outline of the syllabus for level one teacher training. In it, you’ll learn about each module, what you will learn, our approach and how you will be assessed, what you need to do to prepare for the training and more.

What’s next?

If you feel that this breathwork teacher training is for you, then please apply to the academy. The application is short and simple: we just want to make sure you and I are a good fit for each other.

Apply now.

Summary of syllabus

Required preparation

In order to prepare for this teacher training, each student is required to read the best-selling book “The Blissful Breath.” They are also expected to dedicate at least 10 minutes a day to their breathwork practice using The Breathe With Níall App.

Guiding principles

There are five guiding principles that are key to becoming a great breathwork teacher. During level one training, you will begin your path to mastering these principles. They include the importance of intention-setting, preparing your own internal state before teaching, the depth of your practise and how it influences the people you teach and more.

How to teach

We may understand something, but how do we help others to understand it as well? At the core of the training, is our focus on effective and simple ways to teach breathwork to people. As you progress as a breathwork teacher, you will be guiding bigger and more diverse groups: you’ll learn how to do this safely and skilfully.

Profound ways of breathing

You will learn profound ways of breathing that will improve the lives of the people you are teaching. You will learn ways of breathing that reduce stress and anxiety quickly and effectively. You’ll learn ways of breathing that help us feel safe and calm, that helps us deal with difficult situations, that change our mood for the better and much more.